He is Professor of Innovation Management at the Istituto di Management, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, where he is coordinator of the PhD programme in Management. He is President of Netval, the Italian network of University Technology Transfer Offices. He has also launched DBA programmes at Scuola Sant’Anna. He holds a PhD from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and a Master in Technology and Innovation Management from SPRU (University of Sussex, Brighton). He is Associate editor of the R&D Management Journal and Creativity and Innovation Management Journal. He collaborates with large and medium-sized companies (Knauf, GE Oil&Gas, Loccioni, TT Venture, etc.) in the field of Open Innovation and with the regional governments of Puglia (Arti) and Tuscany in the field of policies for entrepreneurship and technology transfer.
He has published books and papers in the field of R&D management and technology transfer. He is co-author of “La sfida del trasferimento tecnologico. Le università italiane si raccontano” (Springer, with M. Bianchi) and “La gestione del trasferimento tecnologico” (Springer, with G. Conti and M. Granieri).
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