Lecture Title

Catch-up Cycles and Changes in Industry Leadership: Windows of Opportunity and Responses in the Evolution of Sectoral Systems

December 7, 2016

Prof. Keun Lee

He is a Professor of Economics at the Seoul National University, and the founding director of the Center for Economic Catch-up. He has been awarded the 2014 Schumpeter Prize for his monograph on Schumpeterian Analysis of Economic Catch-up by the International Schumpeter Society. He is also the President-Elect of this Society. He is currently a member of the Committee for Development Policy of UN, a co-editor of Research Policy, a member of the governing board of Globelics, and had also served as the President of the Asia-Pacific Innovation Network. He was a visiting scholar at the University of California at Davis, Tsinghua University in Beijing, Hitotsubashi University in Japan, Hannover University in Germany, and Punjabi University in India.

The topics discussed in this lecture

  • What is the definition of Catch-up?

  • Our Theory: Industry Catch-Up Cycle

  • Why more than twice changes in industry leadership?

  • Critique of existing theories

  • Neo-Schumpeterian Theory

  • Initial idea

  • Crystal cycles and newcomers during recession

  • Recession in the business cycle = a small window of opportunity

  • Secrets of Catch-up Cycles

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