President and Founder of the School of Management and Economics at Sharif University of Technology, PhD in Management from MIT, USA, Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology
Indicators of the country’s science and technology show that progress in science and technology has not met the goals and expectations set in the comprehensive scientific roadmap. One reason for the unmet goals is the shortcomings of the roadmap as a strategic document. This lecture examines the shortcomings of the document. One issue is the lack of connection between the goals and strategies of the roadmap with the goals, strategies, and challenges of the country’s development. Another issue is the large number of priorities and strategies outlined in the roadmap, making it seem like there are no priorities at all. Additionally, scientific fields have been prioritized for their own sake rather than for the role they can play in addressing the country’s development challenges. The research and technology directions in the prioritized scientific fields have not been clarified. The roadmap defines numerous national actions without estimating the necessary resources and balancing them with the available resources. Furthermore, the mechanisms for linking scientific and technological growth with the economy are not specified. After critiquing the roadmap from these perspectives, the lecture will provide corrective suggestions for improving the comprehensive scientific roadmap
Performance Indicators and Scientific and Technological Progress
The Necessity of Strategy and Establishing Mechanisms for Science and Technology Growth and Development
Priorities and Strategies in the Comprehensive Scientific Roadmap
Framework for Science and Technology Strategy Development
Mechanisms for Science and Technology Development
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